When Is It Time to Replace Your Roof?

When Is It Time to Replace Your Roof?

The roof over your head is a huge investment and making the decision to replace your roof isn’t something taken lightly by many. If you’re looking to sell your home and the realtor has mentioned it or you’ve incurred damage from a storm, then it’s obvious, but if not, how do you know when it’s time?

How Old Is It?

It seems like a simple question, how old is your roof? If you installed or replaced the roof yourself, this should be a simple memory exercise. But what if you purchased your home since it was built or replaced? Your survey and/or inspection should be included with your mortgage documentation, but what if you’re not as organized as you should be? Where else can you find out this information?

Your real estate agent may still have copies of paperwork regarding the sale of the property. You can also submit records requests to your local government. Their building and permitting departments should have the information you’re looking for. Finally, if you know the roofing company that installed the roof, who is probably responsible for your warranty, they should have access to those records.

Have You Considered Wear and Tear?

Everything has a lifespan, including the materials used to build your roof. Keep in mind that those figures are averages of all products tested. Some systems will fail before they’ve reached their target, many well after.

You have to consider the environment we live in. Florida’s weather is not the best environment for a roofing system. Between the hot sun and regular rain, your roof can heat up and cool down rather rapidly, and rather regularly. Add the stronger storms, whether they be hail, hurricanes, or just windy, afternoon storms and you’ve got a recipe for an average, or even shorter-than-average, lifespan for your roof.

Under good conditions, your roofing system should last:

  • Asphalt shingles: 15 to 30 years
  • Architectural shingles: 25 to 30 years
  • Wood shingles: 30 years with regular maintenance
  • Clay tiles: 50 years or more
  • Metal roofing: Up to 70 years
  • Slate tile: 50 to 100+ years

Once you’ve reached the lower end of these figures, we highly recommend getting your roof evaluated and beginning to plan to replace your roof.

Do You See Damage?

When you put up those Christmas lights (or took them down), did you notice some curling shingles? When you cleaned those gutters out, were there some dislodged or missing shingles? We don’t recommend you go up on your roof, we’re professionals and will do that for free, but if you’ve noticed issues, it might be time to start the process?

Curled Shingles Mean It’s Time To Replace Your Roof

Still Wondering Whether It’s Time to Replace Your Roof?

Replacing your roof doesn’t need to be a guessing game. At Sunflo Roofing, we’ll come out and conduct a free inspection of your entire roofing system. Our professionals will honestly evaluate your roof and determine whether it’s time to replace it, whether it just needs some repair to extend its lifespan, or if it’ll hold on for a bit longer. We can help you make an informed decision, plan ahead for the expense, and know you're making the right choice. Schedule your free inspection today.



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