When you realize you need your roof tarped, it’s usually pretty urgent. Typing ‘Roof Tarping Near Me’ into google will provide you with a plethora of options. But, choosing the right roofer for your home is a big decision. Taking a bit of time before you start calling roofing companies may help ease the process significantly.
Plan Ahead, If You Can
If you anticipate needing a tarp, and thus roof repairs or a new roof soon, typing in ‘Roof Tarping Near Me’ ahead of time is a good idea. Since you have a bit of time to research, review these 4 things:
- Licensed and Insured – It goes without saying that anyone up on your roof should have coverage to protect them (and you) if they fall. Having the necessary licensing requirements also helps assure you of their credibility as a company.
- Local – While large chain roofing companies can lead to greater efficiency, when filing a claim, especially in the tumultuous insurance market in Florida, having a local company, that knows the weather, and the local insurance agents can make a positive difference in your experience.
- Knowledgeable – Hand-in-hand with being local, a knowledgeable roofer knows about the various causes of leaks, the long-term effects, the best way to tarp your roof, and how to go about getting your insurance claim started. Look at the variety of services they provide and their longevity to get a good idea of how knowledgeable they are.
- Reviews – Reading through reviews is always a good place to start. If you find frustrated homeowners and disappointed clients, maybe steer clear. Be sure to read reviews carefully, as some homeowners may be more disappointed in their insurance company than their roofing company.
If you know your roof is aged and may be extra susceptible to damage, have a local roofer come do an inspection. This may put you on a priority list to be tarped in a weather emergency. A thorough, free inspection, like the ones we conduct at Sunflo, can also help you better understand the dangers involved in leaks, and what the costs are to repair them.
In an Emergency
While some situations allow you a bit of lead time for research, others, especially weather emergencies leave you little time to prepare. In these instances, type in ‘Roof Tarping Near Me’ into google and then try to focus on the following topics
- Reviews – Look over all the reviews you can find, not just on their own website. Try to find a local roofer who has happy customers.
- Website review – Take a critical look at their website. Does it look like they know about roofing in Florida? Do they display their licensing information and insured status clearly? Do they have accessible phone numbers and other forms of communication?
- Communication – Call them. Do they answer quickly? If not, do they call you back in a timely manner? After a weather event, many roofing companies are extremely busy, so patience is important, but their response in times of need is also important. Neglecting a call back at the beginning does not bode well for the rest of the process.
No one wants to be in a rushed situation, trying to find a tarp for their leaking or damaged roof. Getting a tarp applied before the damage gets worse or leads to mold should be a priority, if not to meet the damage mitigation requirements of your insurance policy, then simply to keep your home and family safe.
If you need a tarp, give us a call. Feel free to check out our website, read our reviews on google and other places, see our licensing information, and most importantly, reach out to us and see how amazing our customer service team is every single day, not just after a weather event.